West Somerset and Exmoor Bridleways Association |
Members Area

Committee Members

Our Committee Members

Amanda Hamley – Chairman 

Devon Allison – Secretary 

Clare Luhr -  - Membership Secretary; membership@westsomersetbridleways.org.uk

Alison Kent – Rights of Way Officer 

Karen Power - Riding and Road Safety Officer

Julia Holtom - Area Representative for Parracombe

Lisa Clarke - Committee Member

Shelagh Dean - Committee Member

Amanda Lang - Committee Member

For enquiries other than those relating to membership, please email - info@westsomersetbridleways.org.uk

MEET THE committee



Amanda Hamley

Amanda has always enjoyed pleasure riding and when she had the opportunity to move to Exmoor with its fabulous outriding, she upped sticks from Kent and moved with her three horses, two dogs and cat.

She wasted no time exploring the area, putting many miles under her horses’ hooves.  She also enjoys competing with her horses in Endurance.

Amanda has organised many pleasure rides and riding camps in Kent and Sussex and now works with current organisers of the Golden Horseshoe to establish routes for the event. 

Her aims for WS&EBA are to continue to gain support, promote its good work and work with other organisations to keep access to our bridleways available.

Julia Holtom

Area Representative for Parracombe

 Julia Holtom  

I have lived and ridden on Exmoor for most of my life, at a gradually declining pace! I feel very strongly that we need to look after our rights of ways and try to improve the network.We are very fortunate to have such a beautiful area to ride in but do need to be proactive in maintaining and improving our bridleways. Associations such as the West Somerset and Exmoor Bridleways Association play a key role in this.




Devon is a very happy novice horse owner, after many years of riding other people's horses (and picking up poles etc for Pony Club daughters with ponies on loan).  Her Arabian mare, CF Nouschka, lives at the foot of the Quantocks.  The 2022 Golden Horseshoe Pleasure Ride was their first (and so far, only) endurance event, but they have spent many happy hours on the hills.

Shelagh Dean

Committee Member

 Shelagh Dean 

Shelagh has ridden since she was a small child, and keeps two ponies near her home in Shillingford, where she and her husband have lived for over 40 years. She rides most days using local bridleways, and occasionally competes in TREC competitions. She is committed to keeping open bridleways within the area.


Committee Member

Lisa Jane Clarke

Lisa lives high up on Exmoor between Dulverton and Winsford. Her first love is her three Exmoor ponies, all three were born and bred in Withypool. Lisa moved from Surrey six years ago and brought her ponies home to Exmoor from where they had originally come. Lisa is a happy hacker these days and loves exploring the numerous tracks and bridleways local to her.